The Queensland Police Union of Employees Scholarship Scheme was commenced in 2008 and has provided much needed funds to children of QPUE members pursuing excellence. Members of the Queensland Police Union of Employees whom have children of a school age who have excelled in either academic, cultural or sporting endeavours are encouraged to apply to further their pursuit of excellence. This scheme was developed to assist those children and our members with the financial costs.
Queensland Police Union of Employees Life Members review submitted applications and make recommendations to the QPUE Executive. Their previous roles as police officer and union member/delegate assist them in promoting unilateral fairness through the decision making process.
The QPUE Scholarship Committee meets annually (usually in October) to review and administer applications from members’ children who are participating in a state, national or international events with funding provided to successful applicants November/December.
The total scholarship fund for the year is $30,00. Successful applicants may apply once every two years. Scholarship applications funding is to assist in costs related to travel/accommodation and enrolment/registration fees.
All scholarship decisions are made by the QPUE Executive and are final.